NH53: Neville Worthington explaining about the Zulu wars
NH53: Part of a tableau in the museum at Rorke's Drift
NH53: The Zulu memorial at Isandlwana
NH53: Memorials to the British dead at Isandlwana
NH53: Warthog in Hluhluwe and Imfolozi
NH53: Female Nyala
NH53: Zebra
NH53: Lilac-breasted Rollers
NH53: White Rhinoceros
NH53: Samango Monkey at Cape Vidal
NH53: Female Kudu on the night safari (Cape Vidal)
NH53: Flap-necked Chameleon
NH53: Zulu dancing
NH53: Zulu dancing
NH53: Zulu Dancers
NH53: Male Nyala in camp at Mlilwane
NH53: Looking at the view in the morning
NH53: A sobering thought
NH53: The "beehive" huts we stayed in
NH53: "What shall I do today: Horse riding? Mountain biking?"
NH53: "Perhaps I'll just cook myself for dinner!"
NH53: Hippo that came to camp to be fed
NH53: No, not the effect of too much Larium! Some of the products of Swazi Candles.
NH53: Waterbukc in Kruger NP
NH53: Male Kudu
NH53: Greater Blue-eared Starling after our lunch
NH53: Greater Blue-eared Starling after our lunch
NH53: Lion
NH53: Elephant that got uncomfortably close
NH53: God's Window