NH53: Weaver bird building nest
NH53: Me with Ngorongoro crater behind
NH53: Our Maasai guide
NH53: Zebras
NH53: Wildebeest
NH53: Lizard
NH53: Sunset over the Serengeti
NH53: Baboon (Serengeti)
NH53: Giraffe (Serengeti)
NH53: Cheetah (Serengeti)
NH53: Leopard (Serengeti)
NH53: Leopard (Serengeti)
NH53: Leopard (Serengeti)
NH53: Vultures eating carcass (Serengeti)
NH53: Giraffes (Serengeti)
NH53: Hyraxes (Serengeti)
NH53: Wildebeest migration (Serengeti)
NH53: Thomson's Gazelle and Grant's Gazelle
NH53: Buffalo (Ngorngoro)
NH53: Flamingos (Ngorongoro)
NH53: Newborn Thomson's Gazelle (Ngorongoro)
NH53: Lions (Ngorongoro)
NH53: Lion and cub (Ngorongoro)