NH53: Mel, Nathan, Chris and Emily, first day's walk
NH53: Col de Pinata
NH53: Town of Bagnères de Luchon
NH53: Vallée du Lis
NH53: Sunrise over the mountains
NH53: View over Luchon from Artigue
NH53: Group by Cabane de Saunères
NH53: Nathan and Mel (tour leaders)
NH53: Group
NH53: Jonathan approaching Pic de Bacanère
NH53: Group down by the forest
NH53: View back to Hospice de France
NH53: Boums du Port
NH53: Climbing to Porte de Venasque
NH53: View down to Hospice de France
NH53: Group at dinner
NH53: Our hosts: Steph, Nathan, Mel and Nico
NH53: La Fenière (accommodation for the trip)