NH53: Sealions by the harvour at Baltra
NH53: Dry landing on South Plaza Island - don't tread on the sealions!
NH53: Land Iguanas - male (top), female (bottom)
NH53: Land Iguana
NH53: Lava Lizard
NH53: Cachalote (the yacht we travelled on) between South and North Plaza Islands
NH53: Blue Footed Booby
NH53: Painted Locust
NH53: Land Iguana
NH53: Photographing Marine Iguanas
NH53: Marine Iguana
NH53: Giant Tortoises in the Charles Darwin Centre, Santa Cruz Island
NH53: Giant Tortoise (different species - note the shell)
NH53: Pelicans at the fish market, Puerto Ayora
NH53: Hummingbird Hawkmoth
NH53: Giant Tortoise in the reserve on Santa Cruz Island
NH53: Galapagos Flycatcher (I think!)
NH53: "Does my bum look big in this?"
NH53: Lava Tubes
NH53: Sealion at Gardner Bay, Española Island
NH53: Sealion
NH53: Marine Iguana
NH53: Galapagos Mockingbird - one of the tamest of all
NH53: Large Ground Finch (I think!)
NH53: Blue Footed Booby
NH53: Lava Lizard
NH53: Marine Iguana at Puerto Suarez, Española Island
NH53: Nazca (Masked) Booby and juvenile
NH53: Waved Albatross
NH53: Waved Albatross courtship ritual