GW's runlawrence photos: Dee Boeck at turnaround
GW's runlawrence photos: Josh McCLeary finishing while John Huchingson is starting
GW's runlawrence photos: Cindy Cameron practicing her start
GW's runlawrence photos: Janet Huchingson checks in Keith Dowell
GW's runlawrence photos: Sean Aylward at the turn around
GW's runlawrence photos: Stan McCormack
GW's runlawrence photos: Eloise Frye at the 1 mile turn
GW's runlawrence photos: Gregory Hattan
GW's runlawrence photos: Walter Olker about to pass Heather Duris
GW's runlawrence photos: Fritz Menninger
GW's runlawrence photos: Charles Protasio
GW's runlawrence photos: John Huchingson, set the state M80 age group record
GW's runlawrence photos: Dick Lipsey, co-manager of Kansas Road Race Records
GW's runlawrence photos: Allison Seeman
GW's runlawrence photos: Walter Olker and Gene Wee