GW's runlawrence photos: Celeste & Allison Leonardi
GW's runlawrence photos: Building 40 - line of runners
GW's runlawrence photos: pacers lead Susan Tanui
GW's runlawrence photos: quiet before the start
GW's runlawrence photos: checking pace at quarter mile mark
GW's runlawrence photos: A. Leonardi near the finish line
GW's runlawrence photos: Daisy's encouragement
GW's runlawrence photos: finishing with Daisy
GW's runlawrence photos: Michelle Andrew - 4th overall
GW's runlawrence photos: Jody Keltner (Eudora, KS)
GW's runlawrence photos: run with headset, Mom, or your sister
GW's runlawrence photos: Kristina Selters
GW's runlawrence photos: Susan Tanui (Junction City) winner
GW's runlawrence photos: Mom & Mandy's 1st 5K
GW's runlawrence photos: Emily Hugo, 2nd overall
GW's runlawrence photos: Niki Hilgenberg (3rd), Michelle Andrew (4th)
GW's runlawrence photos: a daisy cushion for the race director
GW's runlawrence photos: Stephanie Wright, Susie Vaughan
GW's runlawrence photos: Zoe Shriner & balloon finish line