GW's runlawrence photos: Hefferon among the start crowd
GW's runlawrence photos: Kim Johnson race director
GW's runlawrence photos: Gaming before the run
GW's runlawrence photos: leaders at start
GW's runlawrence photos: Sandbar corner
GW's runlawrence photos: leaders at 3 mi
GW's runlawrence photos: 1:35 pace group
GW's runlawrence photos: after 4 miles on Naismith
GW's runlawrence photos: 2:40 pace group
GW's runlawrence photos: neighborhood spectators
GW's runlawrence photos: Scott McVey finishing
GW's runlawrence photos: Megan Earney F winner
GW's runlawrence photos: Court house corner
GW's runlawrence photos: Sun Fire Ceramics
GW's runlawrence photos: legs feet shadows
GW's runlawrence photos: Farron & Esquibel
GW's runlawrence photos: Lauren Marquess
GW's runlawrence photos: Terresa Roberts & pacer signs
GW's runlawrence photos: Lisa Blair & pacer signs