ngreatorex: Missiles*
ngreatorex: It's cold outside
ngreatorex: Seat mate number 1
ngreatorex: Seat mate number 2
ngreatorex: The Russkies
ngreatorex: A bellypopper
ngreatorex: Oooh, a pole
ngreatorex: Is this cheesy or what?
ngreatorex: Another airport photo (*yawn*)
ngreatorex: Hills, town and sea
ngreatorex: Hills, town, sea and yacht!
ngreatorex: Hills, sea and trees
ngreatorex: Big buildings
ngreatorex: More big buildings
ngreatorex: A hotel
ngreatorex: Floaty things
ngreatorex: Cliff (no, not him)
ngreatorex: Scoundrels and sundial
ngreatorex: Wonky photo taker
ngreatorex: Mmmm wheel
ngreatorex: At the top
ngreatorex: More buildings
ngreatorex: Palais 1
ngreatorex: Palais 2
ngreatorex: Palais 3
ngreatorex: Possibly the best protected Christmas tree in the world
ngreatorex: Big yachts and a wheel
ngreatorex: Trees, buildings and slopes
ngreatorex: A rascal on a rock
ngreatorex: A random building with a pretty fountain