ngawangchodron: The ocean water near shore is turned pale with herring milt
ngawangchodron: The water near shore is turned pale blue with frothy herring milt
ngawangchodron: Thousands of seagulls fill the air and the ocean to forage during the herring spawn
ngawangchodron: Strolling gull on the shoreline
ngawangchodron: The Coast mountains in the background, herring milt circles rocks on the shoreline
ngawangchodron: Herring carcass on the shore
ngawangchodron: Herring eggs on seaweed
ngawangchodron: Herring eggs on seaweed
ngawangchodron: Herring milt on the shore
ngawangchodron: Foamy herring milt on the shoreline
ngawangchodron: Herring eggs on seaweed
ngawangchodron: Vancouver Island mountains in the backgound, herring milt on the tide
ngawangchodron: Vancouver Island Mountains from the beach
ngawangchodron: Herring eggs on seaweed
ngawangchodron: Herring eggs on seaweed
ngawangchodron: Herring eggs on seaweed
ngawangchodron: Herring eggs on seaweed
ngawangchodron: Herring eggs on seaweed
ngawangchodron: Herring eggs on seaweed
ngawangchodron: Herring eggs on seawed
ngawangchodron: Herring eggs on seaweed
ngawangchodron: Herring milt and rocks
ngawangchodron: Seaweed on a rock
ngawangchodron: Sylvia on the beach
ngawangchodron: Sylvia and Jody on the beach
ngawangchodron: Sandy cliff
ngawangchodron: Curls of foamy milt
ngawangchodron: Herring milt on the rocky shore
ngawangchodron: Herring milt on seaweed
ngawangchodron: Coast mountains in the background, the herring milt has turned the water near shore pale blue, seabirds are swirling