ngawangchodron: Overwintered broccoli flowers
ngawangchodron: Plum Tree blossoms
ngawangchodron: Calendula
ngawangchodron: High fives for the seedling crew!
ngawangchodron: Danee, Lila and Morgan with a tray of happy seedlings
ngawangchodron: Morgan, Lila and Danee with seedling trays
ngawangchodron: Morgan, Lila and Danee and the happy seedlings!
ngawangchodron: Potting up seedlings
ngawangchodron: Checking the seedlings
ngawangchodron: Getting water for the thristy seedlings
ngawangchodron: More soil!
ngawangchodron: Danee planting more seeds
ngawangchodron: Morgan checks out the plant trays
ngawangchodron: Danee gets her gloves on ready for potting plants
ngawangchodron: Lila getting more pots
ngawangchodron: Hens and chicks seedling
ngawangchodron: Baby parsleys
ngawangchodron: Tiny tomatillo seedlings
ngawangchodron: Basil seedlings