ngawangchodron: Skunk cabbage and Marsh marigolds
ngawangchodron: Fritillaria meleagris
ngawangchodron: Red! tulips
ngawangchodron: Pink Magnolia
ngawangchodron: “Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent.” - Rumi
ngawangchodron: Amelanchier
ngawangchodron: Amelanchier
ngawangchodron: Sunny flowers
ngawangchodron: Delicate rhododendron
ngawangchodron: Blue Corydalis (Corydalis flexuosa)
ngawangchodron: Double flowered trillium
ngawangchodron: Yellow erythronium
ngawangchodron: Love is an endless mystery, because there is not any reasonable cause that could explain it." — Rabindranath Tagore
ngawangchodron: Erythronium revolutum
ngawangchodron: Japanese garden tree
ngawangchodron: Fritillaria imperialis
ngawangchodron: Rose arbour
ngawangchodron: Anenome pulsatilla
ngawangchodron: Anenome pulsatilla
ngawangchodron: Anenome pulsatilla
ngawangchodron: Euphorbia polychroma
ngawangchodron: Pink tulips
ngawangchodron: Butchart Sunken Garden
ngawangchodron: Japanese weeping cherry
ngawangchodron: "Plants cry their gratitude for the sun in green joy". ~Astrid Alauda
ngawangchodron: Pink camellia
ngawangchodron: Trees and reflections
ngawangchodron: Sunny daffodils
ngawangchodron: Yellow Fritillaria
ngawangchodron: Reflection