ngaire.b: to read and savour.
ngaire.b: beach junk.
ngaire.b: Genoa red velevet
ngaire.b: lunch 04/01/09
ngaire.b: progress. 05/01/09
ngaire.b: day 6, 365 flowering gum blossoms.
ngaire.b: Alternative Universe or a sweet potato.. your call.
ngaire.b: Art=Mess 08/01/09
ngaire.b: New York on my window sill... 09/01/09
ngaire.b: Bowl. 10/01/09
ngaire.b: I heart Ikea. 11/01/09
ngaire.b: stop. ready...ready... go go go.
ngaire.b: Found.. and loved again.
ngaire.b: tusks
ngaire.b: Vintage italian bedspread..
ngaire.b: awake from a 20 hour nap..
ngaire.b: Fuzzy felt balls 17/01/09
ngaire.b: Milk bar glass from the 1940's
ngaire.b: Flower on the pool deck.
ngaire.b: I do believe in... dragons...?
ngaire.b: Bursting Gum buds
ngaire.b: serene.
ngaire.b: Book fest delights 25/01/09
ngaire.b: Brunch at Riverbend 24/01/09
ngaire.b: Lions of new Year. 23/01/09
ngaire.b: art wall in production. 27/01/09
ngaire.b: green and gold 26/01/09 Australia Day.
ngaire.b: full bloom 27/01/09
ngaire.b: fragile 28/01/09
ngaire.b: cheers! 27/01/09