nfudc: NFU Vice President of Government Relations Chandler Goule speaking about the NATFARMPAC to gain contributions.
nfudc: A little fun at the opening banquet.
nfudc: President Roger Johnson addresses the body.
nfudc: A packed house for the opening banquet.
nfudc: Vice President Claudia Svarstad speaks to the delegation.
nfudc: New England Farmers Union member offers an invocation.
nfudc: New England President Roger Noonan gives a welcome greeting.
nfudc: President Johnson looks on from the podium.
nfudc: NFU staff register attendees.
nfudc: Registration
nfudc: Smiling faces at the opening reception.
nfudc: Members of NFU's National Youth Advisory Council.
nfudc: New England Farmers Union volunteers assist at registration.
nfudc: Networking and visiting.
nfudc: Sarah Shaw, local dairy farmer and high school student sang the National Anthem.
nfudc: Report from the Rules and Credentials committee.
nfudc: NFU Historian and Kansas Farmers Union member Tom Giessel discusses an issue from the floor.
nfudc: NFU General Counsel Dave Velde.
nfudc: NFU President Roger Johnson displays the annual report.
nfudc: Massachusetts Ag Commissioner Greg Watson.
nfudc: NFU President Roger Johnson greets USDA Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan.
nfudc: A full house
nfudc: AT&T Senior Vice President of Public Policy Ramona Carlow
nfudc: NYAC member Cole Musland of North Dakota speaks to the delegation.
nfudc: NYAC member William Felzien of Colorado speaks to the convention attendees.
nfudc: Members become members of NFU's Family Farmer Advocacy Network (FFAN)
nfudc: NFU President Roger Johnson sits in a RAM truck in the exposition hall.
nfudc: The NFU Policy Committee works on the proposals for consideration.
nfudc: Policy Committee members work on documents for consideration.
nfudc: A representative from Ghana speaks at the International Agriculture Update breakout session.