nfolkert: Fielding
nfolkert: Kara watches Evan
nfolkert: Here's the pitch
nfolkert: Michelle, Nancy, Dara, and Brock
nfolkert: Even gets ready to pitch
nfolkert: Megan in outfield
nfolkert: Joel in outfield
nfolkert: What's so interesting over there?
nfolkert: Fielders
nfolkert: Michelle anticipating
nfolkert: Michelle moves in for the kill
nfolkert: Batter up
nfolkert: The dugout
nfolkert: Emily is ready to play
nfolkert: Waa waa
nfolkert: Nancy with her hurt ankle
nfolkert: Catching the ball
nfolkert: The pitch
nfolkert: Dara
nfolkert: Chasing the ball
nfolkert: Action shot
nfolkert: Fence
nfolkert: Fence
nfolkert: Evan pitches while Nancy waits
nfolkert: Emily and Sheila
nfolkert: Dara on first
nfolkert: Dara and Stephanie thorugh the fence
nfolkert: Kim is the catcher
nfolkert: Kim through the fence
nfolkert: Action shot