nfolkert: Mike grabs a beer
nfolkert: Matt at the Hub
nfolkert: Erin shouldn't be smoking
nfolkert: No flash
nfolkert: Blurry Mike. Jag bombs for $3.00
nfolkert: Less blurry Mike
nfolkert: Skye and Randy Levine's little sister
nfolkert: Uncle Don, armed with camera
nfolkert: Everyone's looking sharp, getting ready for the wedding
nfolkert: Matt and Erin, hair opposites
nfolkert: Meredith
nfolkert: Presents, mom, and Mother Theresa
nfolkert: Big Jesus mural
nfolkert: The altar
nfolkert: The organ
nfolkert: The groom's side
nfolkert: Mike
nfolkert: Lane and the preacher woman
nfolkert: The wedding party starts to arrive
nfolkert: The wedding party
nfolkert: The bride enters with christmassy bouquet
nfolkert: Matt claims a table at the VFW
nfolkert: Our table at the VFW
nfolkert: The VFW
nfolkert: Everyone arrives
nfolkert: Lane and Skye, blurry
nfolkert: Lane and Skye, crisp
nfolkert: People start drinking
nfolkert: The wedding party takes their places
nfolkert: Mike in suit