vaRiax_: Ayder Yaylası
vaRiax_: Two ways
vaRiax_: Hidden beauty on pine tree
vaRiax_: Last leaves of autumn
vaRiax_: Sorrow of spring
vaRiax_: Ayder Yaylası
vaRiax_: Two virgins
vaRiax_: YıldırımEvci Lake 1
vaRiax_: YıldırımEvci Lake 2
vaRiax_: Time of harvesting...
vaRiax_: Shadows of mountains
vaRiax_: Feeling alone in the crowd...
vaRiax_: over the clouds
vaRiax_: over the clouds
vaRiax_: over the clouds
vaRiax_: Iced tree with foggy ambiance
vaRiax_: Classical triad of tree, leaves, ice
vaRiax_: {...}
vaRiax_: silhouettes
vaRiax_: Eymir Lake District
vaRiax_: Eymir her sabah ayrı güzel.
vaRiax_: Eymir Gölü - ODTÜ