nextSTL: Storage area
nextSTL: Fairgrounds Park_4
nextSTL: Bear Pit Facade
nextSTL: Behind the facade
nextSTL: Fairground Park_grandstand and track
nextSTL: Fairground Park SE entry - historic
nextSTL: Bear Pit Facade - historic
nextSTL: Fairground Park_6
nextSTL: Fairground Park_7
nextSTL: Fairground Park_8
nextSTL: Fairground Park_11
nextSTL: Fairground Park_10
nextSTL: Fairground Park_9
nextSTL: Fairground Park_12
nextSTL: FPN pool
nextSTL: FPN pool_2
nextSTL: FPN pool_5
nextSTL: LIFE_race riot
nextSTL: FPN pool_3
nextSTL: FPN pool_4
nextSTL: Fairground Park_13