Gotham City Lost And Found: Park in Astoria, under bridge, baseball diamonds and Con Edison smokestacks
Gotham City Lost And Found: I kept looking east and west
Gotham City Lost And Found: Sunset Through the hole left by the World Trade Center.
Gotham City Lost And Found: looking on the bright side
Gotham City Lost And Found: the new improved Long Island City, "Hunter's Point" to be specific
Gotham City Lost And Found: Ugly, daunting Trump 'tallest' residential tower sticks up like a middle finger
Gotham City Lost And Found: Hole Left by World Trade Center
Gotham City Lost And Found: the other side of the world
Gotham City Lost And Found: toward manhattan
Gotham City Lost And Found: memories in the making
Gotham City Lost And Found: novelty shop window
Gotham City Lost And Found: jokes, gags, pranks, sold in backs of comic books
Gotham City Lost And Found: Are the aura like lights natural, or supernatural?
Gotham City Lost And Found: eve at the parade
Gotham City Lost And Found: still skating at Easter