mtheodore: tail lights receding
mtheodore: sky line
mtheodore: goodnight sun
mtheodore: the sea is in my blood
mtheodore: songs are like tattoos
mtheodore: why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? i guess that wouldn't work. someone would leave. someone always leaves. then we would have to say good-bye. i hate good-byes.
mtheodore: all is near and can't be touched
mtheodore: time throbbing in my temples
mtheodore: it's time for you to go
mtheodore: the sunlit center
mtheodore: between going and staying
mtheodore: the moment scatters
mtheodore: sometimes it's all too much
mtheodore: gone again