USACE NY: Chipping Sandy-damaged trees on Fire Island
USACE NY: Chipping Sandy-damaged trees on Fire Island
USACE NY: Hurricane Sandy debris on Fire Island
USACE NY: Red fox on Fire Island
USACE NY: Assessing Sandy damage on Fire Island
USACE NY: Fire Island Hurricane Sandy damage
USACE NY: Strategizing Davis Park debris removal
USACE NY: Consolidating Hurricane Sandy debris in Fire Island's Davis Park
USACE NY: Chipping trees felled by Hurricane Sandy on Fire Island
USACE NY: Fire Island boardwalk
USACE NY: Preparing for debris removal on Fire Island
USACE NY: Fire Island deer
USACE NY: Temporary debris storage at Davis Park
USACE NY: Hauling Sandy debris in Davis Park
USACE NY: Hauling Sandy debris in Davis Park
USACE NY: First debris barges leave Fire Island
USACE NY: Loading first debris barges in Point of Woods
USACE NY: Loading first debris barges in Point of Woods
USACE NY: Removing Sandy debris in Ocean Beach
USACE NY: Debris barge in Davis Park
USACE NY: Debris barge in Davis Park