photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: Great Day at Busch Gardens !!!! :)
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: Feeding Dolphins at Sea World :)
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: Feeding Stingrays - Sea world awesome !!!! :)
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: Open Air Truck to Velt - Awesome :D
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: Sweet Little Boy - Busch Gardens Tampa
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: Girls Relaxing - Busch Gardens Tampa
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: Do Not Disturb - Busch Gardens Tampa
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: National Hippo Day - donate to the Zoo so we can get one of these beautiful animals
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: Amazing Killer Whales - Sea World
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: Happy Hippo - Busch Gardens
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: Babes on the Rocks - Busch Gardens
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: The Sly Nile Crocodile - Busch Gardens
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: Hello - Busch Gardens Tampa
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: The Beautiful Short Finned Pilot Whale - Sea World Tampa
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: He's Behind Me Isn't He ? Busch Gardens Tampa
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton: Looking Over His Kingdom - Busch Gardens