photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Hippo Hello's
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Snowy Fritz
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
When Hippo and Pumpkin Meet
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
When the Pumpkins Are Gone
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Smashing Pumpkins
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Treats for All
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Treats Please Dan
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Waiting for Dan
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
The Happiest Dad 2
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Your Spirit Animal is Fritz
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
You're My Rest
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Sweetest Dreams
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Family Napping Time
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Hippo Adventure
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Who's Here to Visit
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Hello From the Cove
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Restful Morning
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Splash Time at the Cove :)
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Napping at the Cove
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
There's Fiona
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
Ahhhh the Cove
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
FritzBD 57
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
FritzBD 56
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
FritzBD 54
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
FritzBD 53
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
FritzBD 55
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
FritzBD 52
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
FritzBD 51
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
FritzBD 48
photofest2009 - Kathy Newton:
FritzBD 49