newrambler: Canadian candy close-up
newrambler: Greg pretends to work at the Darien Library
newrambler: lobbyconning
newrambler: hugs
newrambler: beers and gadgetry
newrambler: Greg and his Canadian candy haul
newrambler: Greg and Jason
newrambler: Chadwick and Maurice examine something
newrambler: Jessamyn and Greg
newrambler: Meg and Jason
newrambler: Amy, Krista, and Jason
newrambler: Free and the Canadians
newrambler: Jason and th Canadians
newrambler: lobbycon, now with chairs!
newrambler: librarians and cameras
newrambler: Mary Carmen impersonates Roy Tennant
newrambler: Anna and Aaron
newrambler: Steve as Atlas
newrambler: Steve with discus
newrambler: we love the floor
newrambler: Elyssa, Steve, and Catherine
newrambler: Catherine, Jason, and Krista
newrambler: carpetcon 3
newrambler: everyone wants a picture of carpetcon!
newrambler: carpetcon 2
newrambler: carpetcon
newrambler: the Muppet Show tonight
newrambler: Michael Porter in the house
newrambler: Chadwick, Greg, and Steve ponder something at karaoke