newneonunion: the log jam = hot meat
newneonunion: parking enforcement
newneonunion: the view before we broke into the forest
newneonunion: the view after we broke into the forest
newneonunion: (h)e(i)l
newneonunion: Leaning Tower of Visa (debt)
newneonunion: hail to the cheek
newneonunion: another pleasant valley sunday
newneonunion: Every old lady was once young and beautiful.
newneonunion: Treadwell is still jealous
newneonunion: bottoms up
newneonunion: good things happen without gutters
newneonunion: two clowns, one truck
newneonunion: It's Just the Cross-Eye Bear
newneonunion: like a pig playing accordion
newneonunion: would eat you alive were my gullet not impaled
newneonunion: clown-head twinkler
newneonunion: do the cha-cha-cha
newneonunion: un-understood beauty
newneonunion: like bunnies
newneonunion: still life with 9 legs
newneonunion: buffalo cracks
newneonunion: spitting up leaves
newneonunion: knot fun
newneonunion: captn discovery
newneonunion: last day on blue mtn lake
newneonunion: Wick's boat!
newneonunion: My boat!