newneonunion: the set of "Barbershop 4 - I said FADE not BRAID"
newneonunion: fiddling with the roof
newneonunion: for jimmy salvatore
newneonunion: i don't want to lose this
newneonunion: indeed
newneonunion: when you love your job so much, you dye your hair to match your uniform
newneonunion: my house, your house
newneonunion: home is where raymond couture lives above you
newneonunion: sarah's genius living room paint job
newneonunion: the door i entered and exited daily for one year
newneonunion: open/closed
newneonunion: because it's not weird to be selling headstones in the middle of a busy commercial thoroughfare
newneonunion: better than the real thing - stade olympic
newneonunion: patati patata - home of the mini-burger of love
newneonunion: When I see a barber shop like this, it makes me wish I was a hairy man
newneonunion: re: flection
newneonunion: ugh. i love lines so damn much
newneonunion: irideadscent crime scene
newneonunion: del popolo
newneonunion: everywhere you look, beauty
newneonunion: poutine at 12:19 am
newneonunion: poutine at 12:21 am
newneonunion: best shoe/sock combo all day
newneonunion: come fly the friendlier skies (air canada)
newneonunion: it's hard not to objectify the female form when it's got nothing intelligent to say
newneonunion: the hot girl I picked up at the bus stop
newneonunion: sxy sky
newneonunion: get a room, sheesh.
newneonunion: i heart welders of staircase railings