New Michael: falling the trees
New Michael: falling the trees
New Michael: milling the trees
New Michael: milling the trees
New Michael: building in the wilderness
New Michael: clearing trees for the house
New Michael: digging the foundation
New Michael: digging the footings
New Michael: preparing the site
New Michael: framing with my mom and Robin
New Michael: beginning to build
New Michael: framing it up
New Michael: framing it up
New Michael: taking a drum break
New Michael: decking second floor
New Michael: mom and Robin
New Michael: hoisting a beam
New Michael: sunset and the second floor
New Michael: dad and Don helping with a beam
New Michael: rafters
New Michael: rafters and the loft
New Michael: roof sheeting
New Michael: wrapping vapor barrier
New Michael: siding
New Michael: rain is coming
New Michael: saxophone break
New Michael: siding
New Michael: adding some trim
New Michael: roofing
New Michael: siding