Newman University:
Koch Endowed Scholarship recipients Marcus Somes and Hannah Somes with Susan Addington, community relations director for the Fred and Mary Koch Foundation
Newman University:
Roths Endowed Scholarship recipient Annemarie Hamersky with Tarcisia Roths, ASC
Newman University:
Heinz Endowed Scholarship recipients Sarah Durrett, left, and Baily Stallbaumer, right, with sponsors Roy Robl and Rosemary Robl
Newman University:
Vernon Bergkamp Family Endowed Scholarship recipient Joshua Baalmann and sponsor Vicki Bergkamp, ASC
Newman University:
Leota A. Descarsky Endowed Scholarship recipient Miranda Kohls with scholarship representative Linda Kirby
Newman University:
Goebel Endowed Scholarship recipient Jessie Ferguson, left, with Bob Goebel and Gladys Azzun
Newman University:
Bonnie Marsh and Edwina Pope, ASC
Newman University:
Anne Helten, Tarcisia Roths, ASC and Nicole Howard
Newman University:
Scholarship Luncheon
Newman University:
Scholarship Luncheon
Newman University:
Students and donors socializing
Newman University:
Students and donors socializing
Newman University:
Scholarship Luncheon
Newman University:
Anita Cochrin
Newman University:
Students and donors socializing
Newman University:
Students and donors socializing
Newman University:
Dolores Crum
Newman University:
Newman President Noreen M. Carrocci, Ph.D.
Newman University:
Attendees listening to speeches
Newman University:
2014 Scholarship Luncheon
Newman University:
Elizabeth Peuchen
Newman University:
David Alexander
Newman University:
Scholarship Luncheon place settings
Newman University:
Kay Snyder, Roy Robl, Rosemary Robl and Bob Collins
Newman University:
Attendees checking in
Newman University:
Suellentrop Endowed Scholarship sponsors Paul Suellentrop and Joyce Suellentrop with recipient Emilie Leivian
Newman University:
Student scholarship recipient Elizabeth Peuchen with Collins Endowed Scholarship sponsors (l-r): Bernard Collins, Dolores Crum, Kay Snyder and Bob Collins
Newman University:
Scholarship recipient Naomi Rosales and Margaret Knoeber, ASC, representative of the Sister Margaret Knoeber, ASC Endowed Scholarship
Newman University:
Joshua Rodriguez, Anita Cochran and Shasta Wewe
Newman University:
Rohrbach Endowed Scholarship sponsor Charlotte Rohrbach, ASC and recipient Brooke Zoglmann