newfypup: milwaukee
newfypup: gently opening
newfypup: courtyard
newfypup: art wing
newfypup: art wing
newfypup: great lake
newfypup: views to the lake
newfypup: art wings
newfypup: corridor
newfypup: interior milwaukee art museum
newfypup: living glass
newfypup: interior view
newfypup: melding of inside and outside
newfypup: great lake
newfypup: views
newfypup: women in a corridor
newfypup: full art museum
newfypup: time to go class!
newfypup: pleasent home
newfypup: studio peoples!
newfypup: pleasent house entrance
newfypup: oak park
newfypup: lamp post
newfypup: oak park
newfypup: funny studio group.
newfypup: studio group
newfypup: rooftop garden
newfypup: rooftop garden
newfypup: classic spring park couple
newfypup: pretty flower