newamericanpaintings: Rashid Johnson, Black Love, 2008, black soap and wax with shea butter, incense, brass objects and vinyl albums, 4 x 8 feet. Image courtesy of artist and moniquemeloche.
newamericanpaintings: Carrie Schneider, Pines from the series "Derelict Self", 2006-2007, C-print, 36 x 30 in. Image courtesy of artist and moniquemeloche.
newamericanpaintings: Gallery installation view of Burning House. Image courtesy of artist and moniquemeloche.
newamericanpaintings: Rashid Johnson, Thug, 2000, neon and mahogany, 48 x 48 in. Image courtesy of artist and moniquemeloche; Photography by Heidi Norton.
newamericanpaintings: Home interior view. Image courtesy of artist and moniquemeloche.
newamericanpaintings: Rinus Van de Velde, Please Not Now, 2009, Siberian charcoal on paper, 59 x 43 in. Image courtesy of artist and moniquemeloche.
newamericanpaintings: Living Room: featuring works: Wesley Kimler, 1999, acrylic on paper and Rashid Johnson, The New Negro Escapist Social and Athletic Club (Thurgood). Images courtesy artist and moniquemeloche.
newamericanpaintings: Jason Middlebrook, Double Negative 1969-1970, 2003, watercolor, graphite, and acrylic on paper (in 2 parts) , 80 x 111 in. overall. Image courtesy of artist and moniquemeloche.
newamericanpaintings: Rashid Johnson, The New Negro Escapist Social and Athletic Club (Thurgood), 2008, Lambda print, 69 x 55 1/2 in. Image courtesy artist and moniquemeloche.