pictob: un[wave]ring.
pictob: concrete geometry [1]
pictob: concrete geometry [2]
pictob: concrete geometry [3]
pictob: [i n d u s t r i a l].
pictob: architectural symphony
pictob: [f l o w].
pictob: [u p].
pictob: [o r d e r].
pictob: [d o m e].
pictob: a long way down
pictob: [e l a p s e d].
pictob: [z o o m].
pictob: [i n s e p a r a b l e].
pictob: [B L O C K S]. 1 / 3
pictob: [B L O C K S]. 2 / 3
pictob: [B L O C K S]. 3 / 3
pictob: // stairway to heaven.
pictob: // square the circle.
pictob: [g r i d].
pictob: [i c o n i c].
pictob: [u n i t y].
pictob: Grand Central
pictob: reserved
pictob: // the roof of munich.
pictob: [h e i m a t].
pictob: the sky ins't the limit.
pictob: [c o n t i n u u m].
pictob: // remember the past.
pictob: [N Y C].