Never A Star: finally spring!!!..maybe i should get a pair for me too
Never A Star: Theresa *re-release*
Never A Star: empty playground
Never A Star: last time sun this year??
Never A Star: book&heart
Never A Star: cold rain - warm lights
Never A Star: just hanging around...
Never A Star: Simply Autumn Colors
Never A Star: early morning..
Never A Star: books&tea
Never A Star: LazySundayMorning
Never A Star: Tequilla2
Never A Star: Tequilla
Never A Star: displayshot
Never A Star: Vattenfall analog ;)
Never A Star: ...und bevor du es merkst, ist der Frühling zu Ende und es ist Herbst...
Never A Star: "All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was."
Never A Star: a cup of nice and hot bokeh
Never A Star: Sunday