neukomment: View from the Cemetery (1)
neukomment: View from the Cemetery (2)
neukomment: B. C. Richey. US Navy - Korea
neukomment: The Cemetery (1)
neukomment: The Cemetery (2)
neukomment: Frank L. Rice - US Army
neukomment: Walter D. Freant US Army - WW-2
neukomment: Edward Edgar Strunk, US Navy - WW-2
neukomment: View from the Cemetery (3)
neukomment: View from the Cemetery (4)
neukomment: The Cemetery (3)
neukomment: American Legion Veterans Memorial
neukomment: The Cemetery (4)
neukomment: The Cemetery (5)
neukomment: Erick F. L. Cook, US Army - WW-2
neukomment: Fenced Gravesite (1)
neukomment: Fenced Gravesite (2)
neukomment: Rev. Philip E. Armstrong Memorial
neukomment: Armstrong Memorial & Grave Site
neukomment: Vincent James Joy - Missionary
neukomment: Vincent J. Joy
neukomment: Rebeccah Coffee Joy
neukomment: Rebeccah Joy
neukomment: Vincent & Rebecca Joy Grave Sites
neukomment: Douglas Ward Neeley - US Army
neukomment: Harry F. Speerstra, US Army - WW2
neukomment: Arnold J. Engebretsen, US Army - WW2