Neubie: staff photo
Neubie: Rifle Range
Neubie: ARchery
Neubie: Sunset in Northern Vermont
Neubie: Prattsville, NY
Neubie: Campfire in the Rain
Neubie: Rifle Rules
Neubie: Zip Line
Neubie: Neubert Trail
Neubie: Lake Salem from Coutts
Neubie: Painting the Bunk House
Neubie: Lake Salem and the moon
Neubie: Putting the Dock in the Water
Neubie: Practice for Archery Class
Neubie: DSC03645
Neubie: Sy Decorating the Cabin
Neubie: Painting the Cabin
Neubie: Liz Paints Peru
Neubie: Danielle Painting the Cabin Yellow
Neubie: Eric Painting the Cabin
Neubie: Neubie and Avitar the CPR Dummy
Neubie: Training in the Class
Neubie: Susie and the Owl
Neubie: Future Leaders
Neubie: Coutts Moriarty Camp Directors
Neubie: Pict0004