Michael Neubert: Rental house in Seattle
Michael Neubert: Flag from a distance
Michael Neubert: Patriotism
Michael Neubert: House near rental
Michael Neubert: House near rental - detail
Michael Neubert: Tri-car (only one wheel in front)
Michael Neubert: Political statement?
Michael Neubert: Daisy & her broken leg
Michael Neubert: Sausages
Michael Neubert: Sausage for sauce
Michael Neubert: Perhaps not the right setting
Michael Neubert: Steaming the hand-made sausage
Michael Neubert: pot bellied pig, this means you!
Michael Neubert: Trash receptecle at bus stop
Michael Neubert: Univega Superstrada
Michael Neubert: Follow-up mattress message
Michael Neubert: Approaching sunset
Michael Neubert: Approaching sunset
Michael Neubert: Scenic overlook
Michael Neubert: Biplane overhead
Michael Neubert: Looking into the sun
Michael Neubert: We are pleased
Michael Neubert: K took this one
Michael Neubert: And this one