nettness: A glorious smile makes it all worthwhile: Pleasant, moody, and loving
nettness: MY ENTIRE DOLL FAMILY! <333333
nettness: Virginia, She's got being a classic beauty down to an art <33333
nettness: Unsure, and unimpressed
nettness: Virginia: Thieving Fern's look in the garden...
nettness: *petulance*
nettness: Working the overbite...
nettness: WHY, HELLO THERE! ^_^
nettness: I really would rather you didn't take photos of me.
nettness: Sweet seduction, from sweetness and light
nettness: Petulance, thy name be Virginia
nettness: Clasping love..!
nettness: A coy-sidelong...
nettness: The Gideons. A Portrait.
nettness: You're... Some sort of...
nettness: Come and join me...
nettness: Faded brother, focussed sister...
nettness: Do your best!
nettness: The adults...
nettness: Sweet reverie atop a tree
nettness: Siblings of Steam Punk..!
nettness: SMJ pack their boxes prettily
nettness: *snerks*
nettness: Bored now... Wanna play...
nettness: LO! She looked down upon the world...
nettness: Plots and plans... For naught? Or for the world?!
nettness: She judges you. As is her want.