nettaphoto: yellow is the colour.
nettaphoto: through the window
nettaphoto: my office windows
nettaphoto: la luce.
nettaphoto: shelter
nettaphoto: attimi
nettaphoto: bricks
nettaphoto: vita
nettaphoto: sliding door
nettaphoto: orizzonti
nettaphoto: luce
nettaphoto: SIMMETRIE
nettaphoto: notte
nettaphoto: finestre
nettaphoto: al di là
nettaphoto: clik
nettaphoto: crossroad
nettaphoto: cooking dinner
nettaphoto: somewhere
nettaphoto: pallido..
nettaphoto: I like windows..
nettaphoto: sole.
nettaphoto: affacciati
nettaphoto: colori
nettaphoto: luce
nettaphoto: tango
nettaphoto: alla finestra dei miei giorni..
nettaphoto: vista
nettaphoto: di notte