NetherlAndy: Thar's a storm a-brewin'!
NetherlAndy: Rain and a table at Legendz
NetherlAndy: Rain pouring on the Albert Cuyp Market
NetherlAndy: Me in the rain on the Albert Cuyp
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!
NetherlAndy: Artis Zoo!