NetherlAndy: DSC02592.JPG
NetherlAndy: D'arcy, the (seriously) troubled artist
NetherlAndy: Beautiful catering boxes
NetherlAndy: Peter and Mirjam laying out the goods while the vultures circle
NetherlAndy: the dinner table
NetherlAndy: Bobby and Peter S. in the foreground, "where's the mouse?"
NetherlAndy: Richard Narine "I call it 'Toronto in Decmeber.'"
NetherlAndy: random painting shot
NetherlAndy: Bart "They really expect ours to look like that?"
NetherlAndy: random painting shot #2
NetherlAndy: now THAT's art
NetherlAndy: Everyone worships Bob Ross
NetherlAndy: This would be enough if we were following Mark Rothko's work
NetherlAndy: Bobby: "My stylus and swatches aren't compatible!"
NetherlAndy: more Bobby
NetherlAndy: trying to see Mirjam's painting…didn't notice those candles
NetherlAndy: D'arcy's got the touch!
NetherlAndy: …and David's 'touched' or 'gifted' in a different way, I suppose
NetherlAndy: hint: he's not holding the painting
NetherlAndy: Final work: the glare doesn't do this painting justice
NetherlAndy: another attempt
NetherlAndy: Richard N standing proud
NetherlAndy: An artist and his work
NetherlAndy: Is that a boat?!
NetherlAndy: The gallery
NetherlAndy: More of The Gallery
NetherlAndy: The party crowd
NetherlAndy: more of the party crowd
NetherlAndy: It's round 2!
NetherlAndy: getting ready to paint