netfuel: People camping at the crossroads shopping center
netfuel: Found moms wedding ring
netfuel: Airport drive diamondhead
netfuel: South of I-10 Diamondhead
netfuel: Airport drive diamondhead
netfuel: The first house my grandparents built in diamondhead
netfuel: Near the airport in diamondhead
netfuel: A boat near the bayou
netfuel: Damn helicopters
netfuel: Can you find the 4 runner
netfuel: Across form harbor house condos
netfuel: Looking into the garage
netfuel: Ironic. dont you think?
netfuel: dad moving mud
netfuel: mom's bed room
netfuel: my closet.
netfuel: some of my old battle records
netfuel: mom's office
netfuel: What was a home.
netfuel: State Farm, HELP!
netfuel: pan of my garage after katrina
netfuel: Drew's old house on magnolia.
netfuel: boat in a house
netfuel: looking twards kmart from second street
netfuel: connie cole's house
netfuel: Angela's dads house
netfuel: Rite aid
netfuel: First Babtis Church
netfuel: Jeff Davis Ave.
netfuel: Mom and dad's view of the golf course.