Nestlé: Beneficiary Ngwaka Alfred Elumpe at his farm
Nestlé: Dr. Stephanie Mvodo the AGRO-HUB Agribusiness Specialist teaching the cassava farmers in Bolifamba Mile 16,,
Nestlé: Beneficiaries peeling cassava at Agro-Hub Factory in collaboration with SUFOOP CIG at Mundemba,
Nestlé: Beneficiaries at the Agro-Hub Factory drying the white garri
Nestlé: farmer peeling raw cassawa
Nestlé: Pasta made from cassava
Nestlé: From left; Hamlet Tandi and Kehbila Forkom at Agro-Hub packing centre,,,,
Nestlé: The cassava products are also sold at the market
Nestlé: Yellow Garri
Nestlé: Agro-Hub products
Nestlé: A customer picks a product from Agro-Hub at the supermarket,
Nestlé: Yungsi Aloysius of Cameco Modern Pressing in BUEA using starch from AGRO-HUB.