Nestlé: Honey Care Africa’s objective is to help tens of thousands of smallholder farmers in South Sudan to emerge from poverty by supporting them to become commercial beekeepers.
Nestlé: With large swathes of dense equatorial forest, South Sudan has the potential to be one of the largest honey-producing regions in the world.
Nestlé: Beekeeping can provide income to rural farming families, additional pollination for important crops, environmental balance, and nutrition through the honey produced.
Nestlé: Honey is a key source of energy and micro-nutrients for undernourished families.
Nestlé: Honey Care Africa aims to create a commercial, efficient value chain for honey by training smallholder producers organising them into networks called SWARM Clusters
Nestlé: Guaranteeing a market for honey at fair prices
Nestlé: The initiative aims to develop of a ‘base of the pyramid’ mass market for single-serve honey.