Nestlé: group picture of students
Nestlé: Nestlé Healthy Kids session
Nestlé: worksheets consist of a fun activity followed by test questions to assess increase in knowledge
Nestlé: student actively participating
Nestlé: student assess the parts of a label
Nestlé: student playing the nutrition boardgame
Nestlé: students answer worksheet on parts of a label
Nestlé: students answer worksheets on balanced meals
Nestlé: students demontrastes how to wash hands
Nestlé: students during the check the label activity
Nestlé: students explain benefits of fruits that they have brough to class
Nestlé: with the help of their teacher - the students assess the parts of a label
Nestlé: students interact with the teacher
Nestlé: students wearing their nestle healthy kids shirts 2
Nestlé: teacher talks about tips on reducing consumption of foods high in fat, sodium and sugar