"Just an ol' nature boy takin' a picture": Still More Stretching the Limits
"Just an ol' nature boy takin' a picture": Butterfly Weed - Asclepias tuberosa
"Just an ol' nature boy takin' a picture": Fujifilm EF-42 Hot Shoe Flash & Garden Phlox
"Just an ol' nature boy takin' a picture": Daylily 2 - The Intruder - A Closer Look
"Just an ol' nature boy takin' a picture": 35mm f/1.8 Prime DX Lens First Shots 8
"Just an ol' nature boy takin' a picture": Snow-capped Bud - Magnolia 'Jane'
"Just an ol' nature boy takin' a picture": Fujifilm EF-42 Hot Shoe Flash & Purple Coneflower Seedhead