Nerfenstein: fringe-division-nerf-nite-finder-gun-mod-red-dot
Nerfenstein: nerf-terra-nova-pistol-tutorial-finished-angles
Nerfenstein: stargate-atlantis-nerf-blaster-mod-stargate-portal-2
Nerfenstein: stargate-atlantis-nerf-blaster-mod-stargate-portal
Nerfenstein: cyberdyne-systems-blaster-pistol-guass-mod-nerf-02
Nerfenstein: Nerf Vortex Proton mod Doctor Who tribute
Nerfenstein: Nerf Point Break Super Soaker mod - Judge Dredd Lawgiver pistol
Nerfenstein: Buzz Bee blaster pistol ALIEN mod
Nerfenstein: River Song Alpha Meson blaster pistol gun mod Nerf Nitefinder
Nerfenstein: Steampunk HG Wells Tesla Pistol by Nerfenstein
Nerfenstein: The Middleman blaster pistol by Nerfenstein
Nerfenstein: claudias-tesla-pistol-warehouse-13-by-nerfenstein
Nerfenstein: bugstomper-aliens-blaster-by-nerfenstein
Nerfenstein: Steampunk blaster Batman by Nerfenstein
Nerfenstein: Latest #Nerf mod 'Scoutimus Prime'. Some fun based on #Transformers #Gundam and other epic giant robots. More at
Nerfenstein: Latest build the 'Squareness Gun' from #DoctorWho and #Torchwood as used by #RiverSong and #JackHarkness this will eventually be molded and cast in resin before being painted for the client. I'm a huge River Song fan myself so pretty excited by this, imag
Nerfenstein: Aliens M40 inspired push top grenade prop WIP
Nerfenstein: SyFy Defiance Nerf mod pistol Infector firestrike
Nerfenstein: Boba Fett blaster rifle display prop commission
Nerfenstein: Avengers Loki sceptre prop commission
Nerfenstein: Aliens Colonial Marines Nerf mod pistol