Mr. Gee: baby blues
Mr. Gee: get lost
Mr. Gee: Cat and mouse, or dog and remote car
Mr. Gee: joy
Mr. Gee: Captain Fillings
Mr. Gee: Beware the red dye!
Mr. Gee: Buoyancy Boy (or buoy)
Mr. Gee: Success (i.e. finally a shot with her eyes open!)
Mr. Gee: The Gang
Mr. Gee: Pretty. Happy.
Mr. Gee: The Future Looks Bright
Mr. Gee: "Okay - you're weird!"
Mr. Gee: What a Ham
Mr. Gee: A Wicked Ending
Mr. Gee: I think the shirt is missing a 'd'!
Mr. Gee: My Other Half
Mr. Gee: Keeping Up
Mr. Gee: Gingy
Mr. Gee: I'm Loving It
Mr. Gee: Duckling
Mr. Gee: Belly Rub
Mr. Gee: Loving Hands
Mr. Gee: Red Eye?
Mr. Gee: Attack of the Killer Chihuahua
Mr. Gee: Blue Sky Backyard
Mr. Gee: Q-oot
Mr. Gee: Flying in Full Dress
Mr. Gee: my chair
Mr. Gee: Prelude to a Sneeze
Mr. Gee: Queen Kong