nerdboy: 1/365 - Birthday shake
nerdboy: 2/365 - Fuzzy bug
nerdboy: 3/365 - Getting pampered
nerdboy: 4/365 - Radiowaves?
nerdboy: 5/365 - Going down
nerdboy: 6/365 - Stripey
nerdboy: 7/365 - Cheese!
nerdboy: 8/365 - Rough
nerdboy: 9/365 - Sunset colors
nerdboy: 10/365 - Crescent set
nerdboy: 11/365 - Wiry
nerdboy: 12/365 - Squiggles
nerdboy: 13/365 - Brushing
nerdboy: 14/365 - End of an Era in quality news reporting
nerdboy: 15/365 - Bug
nerdboy: 16/365 - Stop! Interview time
nerdboy: 17/365 - They must have an incredible view
nerdboy: 18/365 - Hat head
nerdboy: 19/365 - Overpass
nerdboy: 20/365 - Where the ugly shirts live
nerdboy: 21/365 - *smoosh*
nerdboy: 22/365 - Rain
nerdboy: 23/365 - Ominous lemons
nerdboy: 24/365 - Tattoos are forever
nerdboy: 25/365 - Screwing
nerdboy: 26/365 - Straw
nerdboy: 27/365 - Tattoo two
nerdboy: 28/365 - Little boxes
nerdboy: 29/365 - Blue sky moon
nerdboy: 30/365 - Moving