nerdboy: Random license plate
nerdboy: World's tallest thermometer!
nerdboy: Veronika and me
nerdboy: Me in Vegas
nerdboy: A Picture Share!
nerdboy: Big pimpin'
nerdboy: Big pimpin' with Tim
nerdboy: Tim tips the waitress
nerdboy: Suzie, me, and Cheyenne
nerdboy: She wants me
nerdboy: Joelle and Tim
nerdboy: Girls!
nerdboy: Tim gets some action
nerdboy: A Picture Share!
nerdboy: Catching snow
nerdboy: 93/365 - Checking for typos
nerdboy: I almost got this
nerdboy: Swanky
nerdboy: Space Trooper
nerdboy: Howdy, earthling
nerdboy: Gateway to Death Valley
nerdboy: Breaktime view
nerdboy: Face off
nerdboy: Palazzo
nerdboy: Why is there a stripper in the middle of the Luxor?
nerdboy: Lush
nerdboy: Titanic Exhibit
nerdboy: Grand staircase
nerdboy: Artifacts
nerdboy: More artifacts