nerdboy: Flowers
nerdboy: Chrysanthemum
nerdboy: These are purple
nerdboy: Whit-ish rose
nerdboy: Bee!
nerdboy: Salmon-ish rose
nerdboy: These are pink... ish
nerdboy: A wide shot
nerdboy: More roses
nerdboy: Pink roses
nerdboy: This one looks like a pink cabbage
nerdboy: I couldn't get it to "look up"
nerdboy: A purple butterfly?
nerdboy: Close up
nerdboy: Fuschia
nerdboy: Upskirt
nerdboy: Close up
nerdboy: Green vine thing
nerdboy: Little pink things
nerdboy: Astromerias
nerdboy: Send me Forget-Me-Nots
nerdboy: Hanging blue
nerdboy: One more of the Astromeria
nerdboy: Redness
nerdboy: Red cabbage
nerdboy: The moon
nerdboy: Lavender cabbage
nerdboy: Purple jellyfish
nerdboy: Gettin' kinda dark out
nerdboy: Purty