Amanda~Christine: And the Wall Speaks - But are you listening?
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael
Amanda~Christine: the own moods...
Amanda~Christine: with their own personality
Amanda~Christine: they take on a life of their own
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael; almost perfect
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael; tweaking
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael; Turntable
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael; turntable
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael; Microphone
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael; clearly
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael; adjusts
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael; in colours
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael; in colour
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael; B&W
Amanda~Christine: Watching, Waiting
Amanda~Christine: Trust me, it's better not in focus...
Amanda~Christine: And a male stripper just for fun...
Amanda~Christine: Crowd Scenes
Amanda~Christine: Crowd Scenes
Amanda~Christine: Crowd Scenes
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael
Amanda~Christine: Robert Michael
Amanda~Christine: ...and the puppets dance....