Amanda~Christine: The Courtyard
Amanda~Christine: Courtyard Sculptures
Amanda~Christine: Until You Knock Me Down
Amanda~Christine: Vatican Sculptures
Amanda~Christine: Laocoon and His Sons
Amanda~Christine: Vatican Sculptures II
Amanda~Christine: Every Ceiling
Amanda~Christine: Keeping Guard
Amanda~Christine: Mosaic Floor, Statues, Golden Walls
Amanda~Christine: They're All Mosaics
Amanda~Christine: Wandering With My Head Up
Amanda~Christine: All Around You
Amanda~Christine: Angel's Play
Amanda~Christine: Beautifully Crafted
Amanda~Christine: The Hall of Tapestries
Amanda~Christine: The Gates
Amanda~Christine: The Colosseum
Amanda~Christine: The Colosseum 1
Amanda~Christine: I had to touch it.
Amanda~Christine: The Typewriter